While the source code for this project is available on GitHub, I recognize that not everyone's a developer. I wanted folks to be able to try out a few encounters, without needing to know the ins and outs of setting up a NextJS project on their local machine.
To that end - I'm taking on the costs of keeping this project wired up. Here are the various calls that happen:
A request to ChatGPT for random weapon data
A request to ChatGPT for random encounter data
A request to ChatGPT for random options data
A Request to DALL-E for an image
Price-wise, things break down roughly like this
weapon data (text-davinci-003): 650 tokens / $0.013
encounter data (text-davinci-003): 900 tokens / $0.018
options data (text-davinci-003): 600 tokens / $0.012
image: $0.02
So for a single encounter, start to finish, it's looking to be a little over $0.06. Not terrible, in the grand scheme of things. But it gets a little tricky, if this site gets popular.
If I get 100 people visiting per day and each person goes through just one encounter... that'll be $6.00. Assuming that small amount of traffic stays steady, that turns into $42 at the end of a week.
I don't particularly like asking for money, mostly because it has a subtle implication that the only reason I did all this stuff was to get paid. But AIs cost money it turns out.
So depending on the traffic I get, we'll see how long I can afford to keep things running. If you enjoyed this project and want to chip in a few dollars to keep the lights on, well... much appreciated. Thanks!